Color Therapy
What is Color Therapy
Also known as chromotherapy, is based on the idea that color and colored lights can help treating physical and mental anguish. The studies suggest they cause subtle changes in mood and biology. This method of treatment uses the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases.
This is such a large and comprehensive topic that we couldn’t possibly lay it all out here. For more information and to dive deeper check out our latest class Color Therapy: Mind Body and Soul In order to introduce you to Color Therapy, let’s talk about how color works. There are many book on color and they all have the same idea and that is, color is energy. It is light split into different wave lengths. An object that absorbs all wavelengths and does not reflect any is called black. An object that reflects everything is called white. Between black and white is the color world. The purpose of this post is to educate us to the fact that color is therapeutic and how we can consciously integrate it into our everyday lives.
How color can help
Physical Health: Color can be used to decrease inflammation, relieve pain, energize and balance the organs, bones and various systems in the body.
Mental Health: Color can influence a person’s mental state. It can enhance your mood, make your feel energetic or more calm.
Different ways to use color
Color Bath
With Organic Herbs
With Essential Oils
Therapeutic Color Glasses
Light Therapy Lamps
With Sound Therapy
You can use color to keep yourself and your children healthy, balanced and in harmony. Scientist say that did-ease can not live in high vibrational body or energy field. Want to learn more about color and how to integrate it in your everyday life., Join our Color Therapy: Soul, Mind Body class to to get an extensive break down of the color applied to the chakra centers and what their Direct and Complimentary colors are.